Bus Trips

Downtown Senior Center Suspends Operations

January 19, 2024 was the last day of operations at the Downtown Senior Center.

The decision to close was based entirely on a lack of funding. It is simply not possible for us to continue to offer services for free, when we incur costs for doing so. This was not an easy decision to make. 

We are glad to see the outpouring of support from the community, and the widespread concern about our area’s senior population. There is a Senior Center run by Area Five on Smith Street, near Bend in the Woods, and we are suggesting that alternative to our seniors. Some churches may also have programming that is geared toward or would include seniors. The Cass County Family Y is another possibility. If your church, club, business or organization offers exercise and socializing options for seniors, please email the information to us at bharris@casstransit.com, and we will share it with our seniors. Thank you.

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Call Martha Brown for more information:

(574) 722-2424 ext. 109